[solved] Simple custom component - Textbox with endpoint (Aka search bar for cards / other)

Hi, I am looking to create the simplest of component based on the custom component template and following Adam’s video on custom component here

I am trying to understand how to do a simple bidirecitonal binding to enable the following thing to happens:

  • A textbox is displayed on screen
  • User type in the textbox
  • Universal dashboard have an endpoint that react to it.

I feel it should be super simple but :

  • Events are not received in UD (or are they)

I looked at other JSX files such as UD-Checkbox / UD-Select but I am not quite able to apply that principle to my template.

I used the custom control template on IronmanSoftware repository here and was able to build my component and get it displayed in the dashboard (At last, something that I did properly)

Maybe someone can shine a light on this to help me get started ?

New-DudSearch -Text 'Hello World' -OnChange {New-UDInputAction -Toast 'Hello World'}

The PS1 function definition

function New-DudSearch {
        [string]$Id = (New-Guid).ToString(),
    End {
        if ($null -ne $OnChange) {
            $HasEndpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Endpoint $OnChange -Id $Id

            assetId     = $AssetId 
            isPlugin    = $true 
            type        = "DudSearch"
            id          = $Id

            # This is where you can put any other properties. They are passed to the React control's props
            # The keys are case-sensitive in JS. 
            text        = $Text
            HasEndpoint = $HasEndpoint

The JSX 

import React from 'react';

class DudSearch extends React.Component {

  onChanged(e) {
    if (this.props.onChange == null) {

    var val = e.target.text;

    UniversalDashboard.publish('element-event', {
      type: "clientEvent",
      eventId: this.props.onChange,
      eventName: 'onChange',
      eventData: val.toString()

  render() {
     return <input type="text" defaultValue={this.props.text}
  onChange={this.onChanged.bind(this)} />

export default DudSearch

Edit: I figured out I needed to use DefaultValue to make the text editable.
I am still looking on how I can send the text value to UD.
I feel like I can’t be really far but I am missing something.

It works !
Here’s the current “thing” for reference intended to future JSX custom component maker.

In the UDPage

New-UDCard -Title 'Test' -Text '.'  -Id 'TestCard'

New-DudSearch -Id 'aac' -Text 'Hello World' -onChange {
    Set-UDElement -id 'TestCard' -Content {$EventData}
import React from 'react';

class DudSearch extends React.Component {

  constructor() {

    this.state = {
      text: 0

  onChanged(e) {

    console.log('do validate');
    var val = e.target.value;
    UniversalDashboard.publish('element-event', {
      type: "clientEvent",
      eventId: this.props.id,
      eventName: 'onChange',
      eventData: val
    this.setState({ text: e.target.value });


 render() {
return <div>
  <input type="text" id={this.props.id}
    onChange={this.onChanged.bind(this)} />

export default DudSearch

function New-DudSearch {
[string]$Id = (New-Guid).ToString(),
End {
if ($null -ne $onChange) {
$HasEndpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Endpoint $onChange -Id $Id

        assetId     = $AssetId 
        isPlugin    = $true 
        type        = "DudSearch"
        id          = $Id

        # This is where you can put any other properties. They are passed to the React control's props
        # The keys are case-sensitive in JS. 
        text        = $Text
        HasEndpoint = $HasEndpoint



This is just an unstyled text input that have an OnChange endpoint that is triggered every time the textbox content is modified.


It’s not ready for prime time yet but here’s a visual goodie.

I am interested in having a search bar that can filter not just grid but anything on the dashboard via custom definable filtering rule.

Ultimately, I am thinking of a bookmark manager where I can import my bookmark and search through them either by keyword or by tags using bracket to indicate them (ex: [Powershell] )

Current version is not smooth but when I complete this (Style / delay to avoid flickering / etc…) I will do a proper show off and provide a Github link.

This search bar (again WIP) allow me to filter UD-Cards containing quotes.
Since all the code is defined in an endpoint, you can techincally filter (or even do anything you want really) based on the text typed.