Hey everyone,
It’s been a minute since last time I was in the forum. Hopefully one of you can give some pointers. Below is a code snippet where I’m trying to display button at the first column but based if column Note from same row is not null/empty. However, when page load I get an error (screenshot below). If I remove the If clause then is all good. Not sure if what I’m trying to do can be accomplished
if(-not($webcfgcomplastday -eq $null)){
$ErrorsGridColumns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property ID -Title " " -Render {
if(-not($EventData.Note -eq $null -or $EventData.Note -eq "")){
New-UDButton -Id "btn$($EventData.ID)" -Text "View" -OnClick {
Show-UDModal -Content {
$preHTML = $($($EventData.Note) -replace "`n","<br>")
New-UDHtml -Markup "<div>$preHTML</div>"
} -Footer {
New-UDButton -Text "Close" -OnClick {Hide-UDModal}
New-UDTableColumn -Property Task
New-UDTableColumn -Property Status
New-UDTableColumn -Property StartDate
New-UDTableColumn -Property EndDate
New-UDTable -Id 'errors' -Data $webcfgcomplastday -Columns $ErrorsGridColumns -Title 'Latest Errors' -ShowPagination -Dense -PageSize 3 #-PageSizeOption @(5,10,20)
New-UDTypography -Text "No script errors found!" -Variant h4 -Align Center -Style @{color = 'green'}
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.5.16
April 28, 2021, 11:52pm
This is a bug and I’ll open an issue for it but you can work around it by making sure to return something from render. It seems to happen when nothing is returned. Here’s an example.
$ErrorsGridColumns = @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property ID -Title " " -Render {
if(-not($EventData.Note -eq $null -or $EventData.Note -eq "")){
New-UDButton -Id "btn$($EventData.ID)" -Text "View" -OnClick {
Show-UDModal -Content {
$preHTML = $($($EventData.Note) -replace "`n","<br>")
New-UDHtml -Markup "<div>$preHTML</div>"
} -Footer {
New-UDButton -Text "Close" -OnClick {Hide-UDModal}
New-UDTableColumn -Property Task
$Data = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Id = 'Test'; Note = "Test"; Task = "Test" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Id = 'Test1'; Note = $null; Task = "Test" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Id = 'Test2'; Note = $null; Task = "Test" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Id = 'Test3'; Note = $null; Task = "Test" }
[PSCustomObject]@{ Id = 'Test4'; Note = $null; Task = "Test" }
New-UDTable -Id 'errors' -Data $Data -Columns $ErrorsGridColumns -Title 'Latest Errors' -ShowPagination -Dense
This issue can be tracked here: Cannot read property version of null in New-UDTable · Issue #149 · ironmansoftware/issues · GitHub
Wow!! You are some sort of sorcerer!!
Many thanks!!
Side question unrelated to this, is there a way to bold the column names? I can do another post if needed.
April 29, 2021, 12:12am
I specialize in magic
I think the only way to do that right now is to do some custom CSS with New-UDStyle.
I have a post about that here: Universal Dashboard v3 Themes and Styles
1 Like
For some reason New-UDStyle cmdlet is not getting loaded into the dashboard
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSelect
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSelectGroup
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSelectOption
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSkeleton
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSlider
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSpan
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSparkline
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSplitPane
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDStep
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDStepper
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDSwitch
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTab
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTable
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTableColumn
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTableTextOption
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTabs
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTextbox
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTheme
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTimePicker
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTooltip
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTransition
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTreeNode
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTreeView
[04-29-21 12:22:58 PM] Loading command: New-UDTypography
April 29, 2021, 6:13pm
Make sure to add the component library to your dashboard. On the dashboard page, click components and then add the style component.
Yep. That was it Completely forgot about that part.
Thanks for all your help!