Sorry if I overlooked this in the docs somewhere, but how does role-based access work with respect to the admin console? I have Windows Auth working successfully but am wondering if it’s possible to restrict access to various elements within the admin console to roles other than the default roles.
Additionally, with Windows Auth is there a way to force a role refresh? For example if I move myself from the AD group that is associated with the Administrator role to the AD group associated with the Reader role and clear my browser cache, I still have Administrator access. Restarting the PowerShell Universal service on the app server doesn’t seem to help either. Would I need to reboot my PC to refresh my Kerberos ticket?
hey AlexK, for windowsauth in general, if you add a user to a new AD group, you will need to trigger a logout event (either logoff and log back in, or restart your computer) in order for that permission to refresh. hope that helps!
Hi @alexk ,
we somehow got a similar issue.
The AD auth works fine - I create a user, put him to a group called PowerShellUniversal - Execute and after the first login the user has only the “policy defined” role: