Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.8.x
Is there a way to set a table’s export so that the rendered columns export as the rendered value instead of the original property value passed in?
For example, I have a table with rows of user account and a column “Domain” which I want to show “” which is rendered from the DistinguishedName, this work fine:
New-UDTableColumn -Property DistinguishedName -Title 'Domain' -Render {
$dn = $EventData.DistinguishedName
$domain = $dn -Split "," | ? {$_ -like "DC=*"}
$domain = $domain -join "." -replace ("DC=", "")
} -IncludeInExport
and the column displays “” as expected, but the exported csv/xlsx/pdf etc names the column as “Domain” but instead of just “” (the rendered value) appearing, the whole DistinguishedName property is exported (e.g. CN=Jeff Smith,OU=Sales,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM)
Anyone know a way to convert that for the export?