Hi All,
Our company is fairly new with PSU and we’re still in the early days of implementation, so far everything is going great.
We’ve just started working on version control integration through GIT.
Our team is used to creating a GIT repo on a per project base.
As far as i’m aware PSU only let’s us configure a single GIT repository, which hosts all contents from the psu-repository directory.
As we onboard more and more powershell scripts into PSU we are running into workflow issues.
For example, our old approach let’s team-blue work on the windows-provisioning git repo while team-red works the office365 git repo.
By placing contents of both in the PSU repostitory directory both teams are now effectively working from that single git repo.
This does not scale well when you have a lot of teams/employees.
One thing i thought of was to to move as much logic as we can to individual powershell modules.
Development of these can be handled outside of PSU and following our existing per project workflow.
I could write some automation that periodically updates the company modules in the psu-powershell-environment.
Then only the bits calling the module functions are placed in the shared psu repository directory.
While this seems like something we could explore i was wondering how others are handling this conceptually?
I guess i wish i could create a project construct in psu that groups everything like scripts, api, documentation, etc together and then have a project sync to git.
Any suggestions?