PowerShell Universal - 5.0.10
Release Notes
Admin Console
- Fixed an issue where job search was case-sensitive (#3835)
- Fixed horizontal scrollbar on claim information table (#3834)
- Fixed an issue filtering jobs by multiple statuses (#3833)
- Fixed date time display
- Fixed issue with endpoint tab (#3848)
- Fixed an issue with script documentation editor (#3862)
- Added reset settings button to My Identity page (#3863)
- Fixed issue saving endpoint docs and tags (#3866)
- Fixed an issue with OpenAPI docs default value for properties (#3430)
- Fixed an issue with endpoint path format (#3838)
- Fixed an issue calling endpoints with Windows authentication (#3858)
- Fixed an issue with the view docs button in a nested IIS site
- Fixed an issue with nested table rendering and overall table performance
- Fixed a performance issue when loading and saving apps (#3809)
- Fixed an issue with New-UDForm -Script (#3854)
- Fixed an issue with PSCredential parameters (#3864)
- Fixed an issue where valid certificates could be rejected by the cmdlet transport layer
- Improved gRPC errors (#3830)
- Fixed an issue where saving schedules could cause changes to parameter positions resulting in unnecessary file
changes (#3847) - Fixed an issue with database logging
- Configuration file resources are now sorted deterministically (#3857)
- Windows PowerShell 5.1 now targets .NET 4.7.2 to support the PartnerCenter Module (#3855)
- Fixed an issue editing Portal widgets (#3839)
- Fixed an issue signing out of WS-Federation (#3861)