PowerShell Universal - 3.9.8

PowerShell Universal - 3.9.8

Release Notes


  • Fixed concurrency issues when adding or removing APIs
  • Fixed an issue where API docs would not load if authentication was enabled but no role was provided


  • Fixed an issue where Job Handshake Timeout was not being set properly (#2476)


  • Fixed an issue where the code editor would switch to light theme when updated (#2477)
  • Fixed an issue where the code editor wouldn’t resize when the window resized (#2478)
  • Fixed an issue where autocomplete would break once a value was selected and navigated away when using name\value in New-UDAutoCompleteOption


  • Fixed an issue where Set-PSUVariable would not update secret values (#2475)
  • Rolled back a change that set the PSModulePath on startup that was causing unexpected behavior
  • Fixed an issue where git mode would always be Manual if configured from appsettings.json
  • Fixed an issue where the heartbeat job would retry indefinitely in the event of a failure and fill up the hangfire job queue


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