Is this possible?
like, server.local/page?var1=testing1&var2=testing2
Thank you!
Is this possible?
like, server.local/page?var1=testing1&var2=testing2
Thank you!
Hello Jacob-Evans,
I managed to do it using the following syntax :
$MyEndpoint = New-UDEndpoint -Url “/endpoint/:method” -Method GET -Endpoint {
and thus I can call this endpoint using an URL with 1 or multiples param using URL like:
Then you can for instance have a switch case in the script block and do different methods.
Let me know if you have any questions
Cheers !
So, i’ve never messed with using an Endpoint as a page, can you provide me a little more info on how you do that?
Right now a page has its own ps1 file that i join in. Each page has a New-UDpage and all the assorted stuff with that.
Would love to know more about how this works…