Out-GridView failing, when run from within packaged EXE Form application

I have a forms application which runs OK in VSCode and PowerShell_ISE

When packaged with
PowerShellCore = $true
DotNetVersion = ‘netcoreapp31’
PowerShellVersion = ‘7.0.0’

Forms display OK, calls a function which has File Browser/Picker, Out-GridView works OK.

However, when packaged, the above all work but Out-GridView throws this error

Attempt by method ‘Microsoft.Management.UI.Internal.InnerListColumn…ctor(Microsoft.Management.UI.Internal.UIPropertyGroupDescription, Boolean, Boolean)’ to access method ‘System.Management.Automation.Internal.GraphicalHostReflectionWrapper.EscapeBinding(System.String)’ failed.

The Grid-View window shows, but just has blank with spinning circle.

I have in the code:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms -Verbose

I tried with/without the following:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Management.Automation -Verbose

Any clues/tips for resolution, understanding if there are missing dependences, gratefully accepted?

I’ll have to take a look at this. I haven’t tried to use Out-GridView in a package v7 exe so there might be something missing that we need to include but I’m not sure what it is.

Thanks for response.

I’m also having this issue. i get a spinning circle on out grid view. Powershell 7. woks fine in script only an issue when compiled