-OnClick not firing for Nivo Treemap chart

I’m playing around with a treemap and I’ve gotten that to work, but I can’t get the click event to fire. Here’s what I’m using:

$Data = $Users | Group-Object Label | sort Count | % {
        Name  = $_.Name
        Count = $_.Count

$TreeData = @{
    name     = "root"
    children = @($Data)

    $Splat_Tree = @{
        Treemap      = $true
        Data         = $TreeData
        Value        = "Count"
        Identity     = "Name"
        Height       = 500
        Width        = 800
        Colors       = "spectral"
        ColorBy      = "Name"
        OnClick      = {Show-UDToast -Message $EventData -Position bottomRight -Duration 10000}
    New-UDNivoChart @Splat_Tree

I can use the same scriptblock to work when I use a heatmap instead. Any thoughts on why this doesn’t work? Thanks!