July 21, 2021, 5:39pm
Trying to Package my first ultra simple PS1 file.
Write-Output "Hello"
Here is the output:
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - Visual Studio Code v1.58.2 64-bit
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - PowerShell Extension v2021.6.2
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - Operating System: Windows 64-bit
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - Language server starting --
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - PowerShell executable: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - PowerShell args: -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command Import-Module 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2021.6.2\modules\PowerShellEditorServices\PowerShellEditorServices.psd1'; Start-EditorServices -HostName 'Visual Studio Code Host' -HostProfileId 'Microsoft.VSCode' -HostVersion '2021.6.2' -AdditionalModules @('PowerShellEditorServices.VSCode') -BundledModulesPath 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2021.6.2\modules' -EnableConsoleRepl -StartupBanner '=====> PowerShell Integrated Console v2021.6.2 <=====
' -LogLevel 'Normal' -LogPath 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2021.6.2\logs\1626884376-e7ea78bf-d1cc-4933-8e6f-ff445aab8e381626884369566\EditorServices.log' -SessionDetailsPath 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2021.6.2\sessions\PSES-VSCode-1160-858666' -FeatureFlags @()
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - PowerShell Editor Services args: Import-Module 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2021.6.2\modules\PowerShellEditorServices\PowerShellEditorServices.psd1'; Start-EditorServices -HostName 'Visual Studio Code Host' -HostProfileId 'Microsoft.VSCode' -HostVersion '2021.6.2' -AdditionalModules @('PowerShellEditorServices.VSCode') -BundledModulesPath 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2021.6.2\modules' -EnableConsoleRepl -StartupBanner '=====> PowerShell Integrated Console v2021.6.2 <=====
' -LogLevel 'Normal' -LogPath 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2021.6.2\logs\1626884376-e7ea78bf-d1cc-4933-8e6f-ff445aab8e381626884369566\EditorServices.log' -SessionDetailsPath 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.powershell-2021.6.2\sessions\PSES-VSCode-1160-858666' -FeatureFlags @()
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - powershell.exe started.
7/21/2021 12:19:36 PM [NORMAL] - Waiting for session file
7/21/2021 12:19:38 PM [NORMAL] - Session file found
7/21/2021 12:19:38 PM [NORMAL] - Registering terminal close callback
7/21/2021 12:19:38 PM [NORMAL] - Registering terminal PID log callback
7/21/2021 12:19:38 PM [NORMAL] - powershell.exe PID: 32444
7/21/2021 12:19:38 PM [NORMAL] - Language server started.
7/21/2021 12:19:38 PM [NORMAL] - {"status":"started","languageServiceTransport":"NamedPipe","languageServicePipeName":"\\\\.\\pipe\\PSES_mzsi5agw.pap","debugServiceTransport":"NamedPipe","debugServicePipeName":"\\\\.\\pipe\\PSES_kpb0cz2b.400"}
7/21/2021 12:19:38 PM [NORMAL] - Connecting to language service on pipe \\.\pipe\PSES_mzsi5agw.pap...
7/21/2021 12:19:38 PM [NORMAL] - Language service connected.
7/21/2021 12:19:41 PM [WARNING] - Invalid Version: null
I get no output in the out folder.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
July 21, 2021, 5:47pm
Can you please look at the PowerShell Pro Tools output panel? You’ve included the PowerShell extension’s log which won’t have the packager output.
July 21, 2021, 5:52pm
Is this that:
INFO: Checking license
INFO: OutputPath is c:\Users\User\Documents\PowerShell\Test\out
INFO: Bundling c:\Users\User\Documents\PowerShell\Test\Sample PopUp.ps1
INFO: Parsing file c:\Users\User\Documents\PowerShell\Test\Sample PopUp.ps1.
INFO: Bundling XAML
INFO: Failed to locate Import-Xaml
INFO: Packaging C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Sample PopUp.ps1
INFO: Creating temp directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\81ed9fb66feb47a5ba0be72135479654
INFO: Packaging modules...
INFO: Checking dotnet version.
INFO: Checking dotnet version.
INFO: 5.0.302
INFO: 5.0.302
INFO: Creating package project.
INFO: Using .NET Framework version: net462
ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
July 21, 2021, 5:54pm
Thanks. That’s helpful. Looking into it.
July 21, 2021, 5:59pm
I can reproduce this. To work around it, open the package.psd1 file and add the Resources key like below. I’ll get a fix out for this today.
Root = 'c:\Users\adamr\Desktop\testfolder\TabbedForm.ps1'
OutputPath = 'c:\Users\adamr\Desktop\out'
Package = @{
Enabled = $true
Obfuscate = $false
HideConsoleWindow = $false
DotNetVersion = 'v4.6.2'
FileVersion = '1.0.0'
FileDescription = ''
ProductName = ''
ProductVersion = ''
Copyright = ''
RequireElevation = $false
ApplicationIconPath = ''
PackageType = 'Console'
Resources = [string[]]@()
Bundle = @{
Enabled = $true
Modules = $true
# IgnoredModules = @()
July 21, 2021, 6:08pm
That worked! Did I do something wrong?
That generated 5 files in the out folder. Do I need to have all those files in order to run the .exe file?
July 21, 2021, 6:24pm
Nope. It’s a bug that I’ll get fixed.
You should only need the exe file from that folder.
July 21, 2021, 7:24pm
Here is a follow up - trying to compile a much more complex PS1 script.
Starting PowerShell Pro Tools host from: c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershellprotools-5.29.0\out\windows\PowerShellProTools.Host.exe}
Process started
[7/21/2021 3:18:13 PM] connect
[7/21/2021 3:18:14 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: $Commands = Get-Command 'Pause' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ($Commands) { try { [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create((New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData $Commands)) } catch { } } else { '' }
Connecting to PowerShell process 2184
[7/21/2021 3:18:19 PM] Command execution cancelled. Extension is still connecting...
[7/21/2021 3:18:19 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: $Commands = Get-Command 'Pause' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ($Commands) { try { [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create((New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData $Commands)) } catch { } } else { '' }
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Command execution cancelled. Extension is still connecting...
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Opening a remote runspace.
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Loading PowerShell Pro Tools module
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Executing command: [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom('c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershellprotools-5.29.0\out\windows\PowerShellProTools.VSCode.dll')
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Executing command: Import-Module 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershellprotools-5.29.0\out\windows\PowerShellProTools.VSCode.dll'
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Executing command: $Env:PSModulePath += ';c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershellprotools-5.29.0\out\windows\..\Modules'
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Configuring runspace scheduler.
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Executing command:
Get-Runspace | ForEach-Object {
$h = $_.GetType().GetProperty('Host', [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic).GetValue($_)
if ($h.Name -eq 'Visual Studio Code Host')
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Found VS Code runspace: 4
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Executing command:
$RS = Get-Runspace -Id 4
$RS.Events.SubscribeEvent($null, 'PowerShell.OnIdle', 'PowerShell.OnIdle', $null, {
try {
$PSPCommand = [PowerShellProTools.CommandQueue]::GetCommand()
if ($PSPCommand)
$PSPResults = Invoke-Expression $PSPCommand.Value
[PowerShellProTools.CommandQueue]::SetResults($PSPResults, $PSPCommand)
} catch { [PowerShellProTools.CommandQueue]::SetResults($_.ToString(), $PSPCommand) }
}, $true, $false)
[7/21/2021 3:18:24 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: Import-Module 'c:\Users\User\.vscode\extensions\ironmansoftware.powershellprotools-5.29.0\out\windows\PowerShellProTools.VSCode.dll' -Scope Global
Connected to PowerShell process.
[7/21/2021 3:18:25 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: $Commands = Get-Command 'Pause' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ($Commands) { try { [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create((New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData $Commands)) } catch { } } else { '' }
[7/21/2021 3:19:00 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: $Commands = Get-Command 'Pause' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ($Commands) { try { [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create((New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData $Commands)) } catch { } } else { '' }
[7/21/2021 3:19:32 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: $Commands = Get-Command 'Pause' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ($Commands) { try { [System.Management.Automation.ProxyCommand]::Create((New-Object System.Management.Automation.CommandMetaData $Commands)) } catch { } } else { '' }
[7/21/2021 3:21:46 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: Get-Variable | Out-PoshToolsVariable -PassThru | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 1 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
[7/21/2021 3:22:00 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: Get-Variable | Out-PoshToolsVariable -PassThru | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 1 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
[7/21/2021 3:22:09 PM] Scheduling command for main runspace: Get-Variable | Out-PoshToolsVariable -PassThru | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 1 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
INFO: Checking license
INFO: OutputPath is c:\Users\User\Documents\PowerShell\Network Detective Run Windows\out
INFO: OutputPath does not exist. Creating directory.
INFO: Bundling c:\Users\User\Documents\PowerShell\Network Detective Run Windows\Network Detective Run - Windows 3.0 beta.ps1
INFO: Parsing file c:\Users\User\Documents\PowerShell\Network Detective Run Windows\Network Detective Run - Windows 3.0 beta.ps1.
INFO: Bundling XAML
INFO: Failed to locate Import-Xaml
INFO: Packaging C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Network Detective Run - Windows 3.0 beta.ps1
INFO: Creating temp directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\afa1bf9aec9542efa8020a419b6b8b2f
INFO: Packaging modules...
INFO: Checking dotnet version.
INFO: Checking dotnet version.
INFO: 5.0.302
INFO: 5.0.302
INFO: Creating package project.
INFO: Using .NET Framework version: net462
ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Would that be the same fix?
July 21, 2021, 7:26pm
The fix should resolve this. Does the work around not work?
July 21, 2021, 7:43pm
Yes, it does fix the issue. But the exe will not execute without displaying the following:
July 21, 2021, 7:49pm
Can you share your package.psd1 file? I don’t see this issue. If you want, you can also email me the exectuable you created (might need to rename the extension) to
July 21, 2021, 8:09pm
Thanks for sharing the PSD1.
The problem looks like it has to do with a space in the file name (PS1).
For example, I can reproduce this by using the root path: Root = 'c:\Users\adamr\Desktop\testfolder\Tabbed Form.ps1'
That said, this appears to not affect spaces in folder paths: Root = 'c:\Users\adamr\Desktop\test folder\TabbedForm.ps1'
I’ll open an issue for this as well to get it resolved.
July 21, 2021, 8:12pm
Here is a link to the EXE renamed as a text file.