@jamir88 I’m unsure if it’s possible to ascertain from which row a UDSelect is invoked. As of now, I haven’t stumbled upon a method to achieve this. That said, the -OnRowSelection
feature might help. Additionally, while the sample code can shed some light, a visual representation—maybe in the form of a spreadsheet—showcasing your desired result before and after might be helpful. I used -LoadData
, but feel free to stick to your approach. Since I frequently work with databases, I based my examples on them, using them as a template.
$Page:Data = foreach ($Item in (0..2)) {
$Item = $Item.ToString()
Col1 = $Item
Col2 = $Item
Col3 = $Item
New-UDTable -Id 'Table' -LoadData {
$TableData = ConvertFrom-Json $Body
$Page:Data | Out-UDTableData -Page $TableData.page -TotalCount $Count.count -Properties $TableData.properties
} -Columns @(
New-UDTableColumn -Property 'Col1' -Title 'Col1'
New-UDTableColumn -Property 'Col2' -Title 'Col2'
New-UDTableColumn -Property 'Col3' -Title 'Col3'
New-UDTableColumn -Property 'CloneImage' -Title 'CloneImage' -Render {
Show-UDToast ('$EventData {0}' -f ([PSCustomObject]$EventData | Select-Object *) | Out-String) -Duration 10000
New-UDSelect -Id "Select_$($EventData.Col1)" -DefaultValue '3' -Option {
foreach ($Item in (3..9)) {
$Item = $Item.ToString()
New-UDSelectOption -Name $Item -Value $Item
} -OnChange {
Show-UDToast ('Was Selected with UDSelect:{0}. Row(s) Selected with checkboxes (Would need to be implemented): {1} ' -f $EventData[0], $Page:SelectedRows) -Duration 10000
$Page:Data = foreach ($Item in $Page:Data) {
Col1 = $EventData[0]
Col2 = $Item.Col2
Col3 = $Item.Col3
Sync-UDElement -id 'Table'
) -ShowSelection -OnRowSelection {
$Page:Table = Get-UDElement -Id "Table"
$Page:SelectedRows = $Page:Table.selectedRows
This post shows how to retrieve the UDSelect
value from each selected row in a UDTable
Hope this helps.