New-UDGrid to create new New-UDGrid

Hello Community,

we had nesting of UDGrids and this was working fine. Since this week the nested Grid is not loading anymore. If we debug in the Browser we will see an error 404 page not found.
Here is an code example which results in the same error.

$TestPage = New-UDPage -Name "Testpage" -Icon taxi -Content {
New-UDRow -Columns {
	New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content {
		New-UDGrid -Title "Test1" -Headers @("Name1","Info") -Properties @("Name1","Info") -Endpoint {
				Name1 = "test1";
	            Info = New-UDButton -Text "More" -OnClick {
					Set-UDElement -Id 'TestElement' -Content {
						New-UDGrid -Title "Test2" -Headers @("Name2") -Properties @("Name2") -Endpoint {
								Name2 = "test2";
							} | Out-UDGridData
			} | Out-UDGridData
    New-UDColumn -Size 3 -content {
        New-UDElement -Id 'TestElement' -Tag div -Content {


Has anyone an idea what is going on here?


Your code works for me in console and IIS with UD 2.5.2

Works fine for me in 2.5.2 as well.
Do the same things happen if you run it from ISE, Console or Code ?

After rebooting my client and deletion of my colleagues Chrome profile, it’s working again. Seems to be a Chrome issue. We both did alot of reloading of the page and didn’t restart Chrome or our client for at least a week.