New-UDdatepicker localization

Is it possible to use other languages than the built in en, de, fr, ru? More specifically we would like Dutch (nl). Although changing the displayed date format to ‘dd-MM-yyyy’ en language ‘en’ would suffice as well.
If I use ‘en’, the displayed date is ‘MM/dd/yyyy’. If I use ‘de’, the displayed date is correct ‘dd.MM.yyyy’, but the language is German (ofcourse). For ‘fr’ it is ‘dd/MM/yyyy’ and French language. So most preferably we would like Dutch (nl) as language which has dateformat ‘dd-MM-yyyy’. But language ‘en’ is acceptable, if we could change the displayed date format to ‘dd-MM-yyyy’. So is any of this possible?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 3.0.6

I’ve added NL to the language list. It will be included in 3.1.