similar to how we can use conditions on schedules schedule conditions would it make sense to have that for triggers? For instance we use triggers but we only want some of the triggers to fire on certain servers.
Creates a new Automation trigger in PowerShell Universal.
New-PSUTrigger [-AppToken <String>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-Dashboard <Dashboard>] [-Environment <String>] -EventType {JobCanceled | JobFailed | JobCompleted | JobStarted | JobFeedbackRequested | ServerStarted | ServerStopped | DashboardStarted | DashboardStopped} -Name <String> [-Script <Script>] -TriggerScript <Script> [-UseDefaultCredentials] [-Delay <Int32>] [-Integrated] [-ProtectRule <String>] [-Computer <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a new Automation trigger in PowerShell Universal. Powershell Universal Automation triggers allow you to execute scripts based on events within PowerShell Universal. You can run scripts when other scripts fail, dashboards stop or when the server is starting up.
Triggers are stored within the ./universal/triggers.ps1 file.
You can also use this cmdlet to create triggers through the REST API.
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January 13, 2023, 8:56pm
I like this idea. I’ll open an issue for it.
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