Missing [System.Windows.Forms.Form]

Tool: Visual Studio Code, PSScriptPad, PowerShell Module
Version: V.2023.1.0

Hi, I’ve built a tool with psscriptpad and packaged it as EXE. this tool runs perfectly on my laptop where i first developped it. The problem is now i’m trying to run said tool on my desktop computer and get a bunch of assembly not found errors, the first being [System.Windows.Forms.Form]. Any idea what I could be missing on this workstation to make this work? At first I thought it was .NET but that’s installed and it makes no difference. Thank you for your help!

Root = ‘c:\posh\DHCP\Search-DHCP.ps1’
OutputPath = ‘c:\posh\DHCP\out’
Package = @{
Enabled = $true
Obfuscate = $false
HideConsoleWindow = $false
DotNetVersion = ‘v4.6.2’
FileVersion = ‘1.0.0’
FileDescription = ‘’
ProductName = ‘DHCP Searcher’
ProductVersion = ‘1’
Copyright = ‘Cuauhtémoc Gagnon’
RequireElevation = $false
ApplicationIconPath = ‘’
PackageType = ‘Console’
Bundle = @{
Enabled = $true
Modules = $true
# IgnoredModules = @()
EDIT: I have not included the powershell error because my OS is not set up with english language so the errors appear in french. let me know if you would like to take a look anyway.

EDIT2: Seems like MS translated something because i now am sure that my tool works on all english set windows and doesn’t on all french set ones.