Making UDTextbox icon clickable with code?

I was wondering if there is a way i can have the icon in the UDTextbox clickable and run some code instead of having to use new-udiconbutton on a new part of the modal/form/whatever (which makes it a bit uglier).


Code im using:
New-UDTextbox -Label ‘VariableGroupName’ -id VariableGroupName -Disabled -value “$($vargroupname)” -FullWidth -icon (New-UDIcon -icon clipboard)
New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -icon clipboard) -OnClick { }

Not at the moment. We’d likely need to implement that directly in UDTextbox. Feel free to open a feature request if you’d like to see it added in a future version.

Sounds like a plan, where can i do this?

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