Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.1.5
I’m looking to use the Landing Page template but it appears V4 doesn’t have the import feature so i copied the code from here ( ) and pasted it into a new App.
When i navigate to that app it loads and dynamically displays the apps the user has permission to but it doesn’t appear to be passing the url.
When clicking any of the dashboards i get this error:
Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Url' because it is an empty string.
If i add a wait-debugger here and inspect the $_ variable i can see there is a BaseUrl
if ($_.Authenticated -and $_.Role) {
Protect-UDSection -Role $_.Role -Content $Content
If i add it on the on-click event though the $_ variable is empty
Has something changed in functionality that now affects the way this should work as this landing page appears to have been put together during 2.X so maybe it needs to reference the URL differently?
October 17, 2023, 12:22pm
Hi Jamie,
I got this to work by setting the $_ variable into another variable. Something with scoping…
New-UDDashboard -Title 'Home' -Content {
New-UDLayout -Columns 4 -Content {
Get-PSUDashboard -Integrated | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Name -eq 'Landing Page') {
if ($_.Authenticated -and $User -eq $null) {
$Dashboard = $_
$Content = {
New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Content {
New-UDCard -Title $_.Name -Content {
New-UDStack -Direction column -Spacing 2 -Content {
New-UDTypography $_.Description
New-UDStack -Direction row -Content {
$_.Tag | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -eq $null) { return }
$Tag = Get-PSUTag -Name $_ -Integrated
New-UDChip -Label $_ -Style @{
borderRadius = "0px"
backgroundColor = $_.Color
color = "white"
} -Style @{
minHeight = '172px'
} -Attributes @{
style = @{
cursor = "pointer"
onClick = {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Native $Dashboard.BaseUrl
if ($_.Authenticated -and $_.Role) {
Protect-UDSection -Role $_.Role -Content $Content
else {
& $Content
} -HeaderContent {
if (-not $User) {
New-UDButton -Text 'Login' -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Native '/login'
That did the trick, thank you very much.
There are 2 issues i have noticed though if you can help with these please
Admin Console Link
The Admin Role puts this on the landing page however it links to /experimental/admin
rather than /admin
and the experimental page is blank, i can’t see anything in the landing page that is setting this though?
Admin Console Showing for All
Users without permission to the Admin console still see it appear on their landing page, if they click it, they are not able to access it but is it possible to be updated not to show Admin Console and Documentation if you’re not an Admin?
This only appears to be for those options, if i remove permissions for an app i created, they don’t see it.
October 17, 2023, 12:55pm
Ah, yeah. Those can be hidden.
if ($_.Name -eq 'Landing Page' -or $_.Hidden) {
1 Like
Ah, so simple.
That’s perfect, thank you very much!
I had the same ‘scope’ problem, additionally clicks on the created div
did not trigger the redirect. Therefor I’ve modified the original a bit more, thats how it looks for me now:
Changes to original (as I remember )
The cards are created manually
Header and footer can be handled differently
An Icon-Avatar shows if the app is running at all
Sometimes after a server restart one app stays in “Starting”, or apps with known critical bugs get stopped by the admin
Hidden and unwanted dashboards get filtered (code line 14) but
The admin console gets added manually to the list of auto detected dashboards (Lines 4-12)
As ForEach-Object
has as scoping problem (root cause of this thread) I’ve changed to simple ForEach
Heres the full code:
New-UDDashboard -Title 'Home' -Content {
New-UDLayout -Columns 4 -Content {
$myDashBoards = Get-PSUDashboard -Integrated #| Sort-Object Name
$myDashBoards += [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = "PowerShell Universal Admin Console"
Description = "Admin Console for the current PowerShell Universal instance"
Role = @('Administrator')
baseURL = "/admin"
Hidden = $false
Authenticated = $true
Status = "Started"
$myDashBoards = $myDashBoards | Sort-Object Name | Where-Object { ($_.Name -notin @('Landing Page', 'Samples') -and (-not $_.Hidden)) -and ($_.baseURL -notin @('/apps/docs')) }
$myDashBoards | Format-Table name, baseURL, Role -Wrap | out-string | write-host
foreach ($dashBoard in $myDashBoards ) {
$Content = {
New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Content {
switch ($Dashboard.Status) {
'Started' {
$avatar = New-UDAvatar -Content { New-UDIcon -Icon "play" -Style @{color = "white"; backgroundColor = "green" } } -Sx @{backgroundColor = "green" }
Default {
$avatar = New-UDAvatar -Content { New-UDIcon -Icon "stop" -Style @{color = "white"; backgroundColor = "red" } } -Sx @{backgroundColor = "red" }
$Header = New-UDCardHeader -Avatar $avatar -Title $Dashboard.Name # -SubHeader "#$($Session:RequestID), $($entity."related.RegisteredForLocation.DisplayLabel")";
$Body = New-UDCardBody -Content {
New-UDStack -Direction column -Spacing 2 -Content {
New-UDTypography $Dashboard.Description
$Footer = New-UDCardFooter -Content {
New-UDStack -Direction row -Content {
$Dashboard.Tag | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -eq $null) { return }
New-UDChip -Label $_ -Style @{
borderRadius = "0px"
backgroundColor = $_.Color
color = "white"
New-UDCard -Header $Header -Body $Body -Footer $Footer -Sx @{
border = '2px solid #f0f2f5'
} -Attributes @{
style = @{
cursor = "pointer"
onClick = {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Native $Dashboard.BaseUrl
if ($Dashboard.Authenticated -and $Dashboard.Role) {
Protect-UDSection -Role $Dashboard.Role -Content $Content
else {
& $Content
} -HeaderContent {
if (-not $User) {
New-UDButton -Text 'Login' -OnClick {
Invoke-UDRedirect -Native '/login'