When I execute the below command in Powershell, " Get-Item -Path path-to-file -Stream * ", I get an output which is different when its executed within the form l load script of Powerscript pro.
May I seek some clarification here. Ideally, I like to get the same value in both environments.
Thanks Adam
I believe there is a communication gap here. I run Powershell Pro Tool code within VS project. Please refer my 24th Jul posting. It certainly differs.
I see that it differs but I guess I’m unclear as to how to achieved the different output. Are you running it through the debugger or within the PowerShell Interactive Window?
Hi Adam
Just want to keep you posted that I had worked around this issue. I kind of suspect that it may be possible Get-Item returns an object reference when assigned to a variable within Powerscript Pro environment. Whereas it returns full output when run in Poweshell environment.