Is there an official way of upgrading a zip based install?

Back in Powershell universal dashboard, you could just delete everyting in the IIS site excluding the webconfig, and your dashboard+pages, and paste the new version in.

Whats the procedure for Powershell Universal, that allows you to retain all settings, pages, data etc.?

I tried the wrong way (deleting webconfig and appsettings in the source, and then just overwriting my site.)

Edit: I should mention that this is a server with multiple IIS based dashboards, and thus the database and configurations etc. is all stored with the IIS Site folder - where I guess normally it would be seperated somewhere else.

If instead, the configurations and database where stored outside the iis folder, in their own folders somewhere else - would the older procedure work? (just delete everyting but the appsetting and webconfig, and paste the new zip in) work?

Made a beta site changed the appsettings to point

"Path": "C:\\inetpub\\_Beta.SupportDashboard.Data\\PowerShellUniversal\\log.txt",


"RepositoryPath": "C:\\inetpub\\_Beta.SupportDashboard.Data\\UniversalAutomation\\Repository",
"ConnectionString": "filename=C:\\inetpub\\_Beta.SupportDashboard.Data\\UniversalAutomation\\database.db;upgrade=true",

"AssetsFolder": "C:\\inetpub\\_Beta.SupportDashboard.Data\\PowerShellUniversal\\Dashboard",

Then started the dashboard and confirmed that the PowerShellUniversal and UniversalAutomation folders where created in the new seperate folder.
Then stopped the site, and copied in the data from the old PowerShellUniversal and UniversalAutomation folders. started the site and confirmed that both the admin page, and all dashboard started.

Visiting any dashboard still gives med "One or more errors occurred: AuthorizationManager check failed."

Turns out it wasn’t enough to use unblock-file in the source folder.
I ran it again in the destination folder and it works now.

thanks What does AuthorizationManager check failed mean in PowerShell? – Ironman Software