I am trying to create a page that uses Invoke-UAScript to perform a task. I have another already working page that I lifted the Invoke-UAScript logic from, but it’s not working on this new page. Any other things to check beyond the below information?
I validated the user I am logged in with has the Execute role:
This is the dashboard configuration from the dashboards.ps1 file:
New-PSUDashboard -Name "Name" -FilePath "Name.ps1" -BaseUrl "/Name" -Framework "UniversalDashboard:Latest" -Environment "7.1.3" -Authenticated -Role @('Role1', 'Role2') -GrantAppToken -SessionTimeout 0
The page code is:
New-UDPage -Name 'Local Admin Elevation' -Content {
$Hash = @{}
Import-Csv "D:\User-Device-Relationship-For-Admins.csv" | ForEach-Object {$Hash.Add($_.UserPrincipalName,$_.Computer)}
New-UDTypography -Text "Click this button to elevate '$User' to local admin on '$($Hash[$User])' for 30 mins."
New-UDButton -Id 'UserName' -Text $User -Variant 'contained' -OnClick {
Show-UDToast -Message "Adding '$User' to local admin on [$($Hash[$User])]" -Position center
$Credential = Get-UAVariable -Name 'Svc-AccountName'
$Script = Get-UAScript -Name 'AddLocalAdminScriptName.ps1'
$InvokeParams = @{
Script = $Script
User = $User
ComputerName = $Hash[$User]
Credential = $Credential
Invoke-UAScript @InvokeParams | Tee-Object -Variable job | Wait-UAJob
$Data = Get-UAJobPipelineOutput -Job $Job
If($Data.Result -match "Success"){
$ToastParams = @{
Message = "Success! Added '$User' to local admin on [$($Hash[$User])]. Membership expires on [$($Data.Expiration)]"
Duration = "5000"
Position = 'center'
Show-UDToast @ToastParams
} Elseif ($Data.Result -match "Failed"){
$ToastParams = @{
Message = "Failed to add [$User] to [$($Hash[$User])].
Duration = '5000'
Position = 'center'
MessageColor = 'Red'
Show-UDToast @ToastParams -CloseOnClick
} Elseif ($Data.Result -match "GroupNotFound") {
Show-UDToast -Message "Local Admin group not found for computer object [$($Hash[$User])]"
} -NavigationLayout permanent -Navigation $NavGroup -Url '/localadminelevation' -Role $All
The “$All” role just encompasses a bunch of separate role definitions. I’ve removed it, but whether -Role is defined or not, I am able to visit the page, click the New-UDButton, and get the Toast notification that runs before Invoke-UAScript. Yet, I’m not seeing any new job run entry in the script’s Jobs section. If I run the script from the Scripts admin area it works without issue. In case it matters, this is all the script does (but note it’s not even logging a new job has started, so something isn’t even submitting the job):
# Add Local Admin Script File
Param (
[String]$Duration = '30'
$ResultsObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ # Create object to output results back to webpage
Result = $null
Expiration = $null
# Search for group
$GroupName = "GroupPrefix_$ComputerName"
$GroupExists = [bool]([adsisearcher]"samaccountname=$GroupName").FindOne() #Returns True/False result
$UserAcct = Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -eq '$User'"
$Date = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($Duration)
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName -Members $UserAcct -MemberTimeToLive (New-TimeSpan -Minutes $Duration) -ErrorAction Stop
$ResultsObj.Result = 'Success'
$ResultsObj.Expiration = $Date
} Catch {
$ResultsObj.Result = 'Failed'
} Else {
$ResultObj.Result = 'Failed'
} Else {
$ResultsObj.Result = 'GroupNotFound'
Return $ResultsObj
Forgot to include this from the \PowerShellUniversal\log-.txt file:
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.5.19