Invoke-PSUScript clarification

Can anyone please clarify the difference between Invoke-PSUScript -Name and Invoke-PSUScript -Script? -Name says it’s “The name of the script to invoke.” and -Script says it’s “The script to invoke. Use Get-PSUScript to retrieve existing scripts.”, and if you use either, the other command is no longer available to use (i.e., they cancel each other out, like one is maybe a deprecated form of the other).

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Good question. I have always used the following

$ScriptParams = [ordered]@{
    Name         = 'ActiveDirectory\Edit-User.ps1'
Invoke-PSUScript @ScriptParams
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And I’ve been using -Script. I wasn’t even aware of -Name until yesterday.

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So same but different. Still the same, though.


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I feel like we’ve entered The Twilight Zone. Adam is Rod Serling.

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