Install UniversalDB IIS6-Srv2012- How does it work?

Hi all;

I have followed the readmes and I can’t figure out how to install this correctly; PS n00b and I understand IIS fairly well. Anyone have a step-by-step instruction sheet? I tried to follow this: but it logically doesn’t make sense.

Explain it to me like I’m 5 please…Thank you!

Read that instead

The main prerequisites are:

The documentation from the referenced link above should be enough to guide you trough the others steps.

p.s. One of the thing that is not mentionned in the official doc that I had issues with is the permission levels. When I use applicationpoolID, that account does not have enough right to run UD so I used an account with more permissions instead.

Thank you Francis; I’ll report back to you!


Hi, I have been trying to set this up, following your tips and the documentation.
I get a

HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure

Any suggestions?

The one thing I have not done is to actually install the UD powershell module on the server, just copy it over like the instructions say
Using Windows Server 2016

Are you using the default user ?
It might be a permission problem.

To know more, since 502.5 error also occurs due to different reasons, do this.

  1. Refresh your page to triggers a new 502.5 error
  2. Go in the event viewer (Windows + R / eventvwr.msc )
  3. Look into the application logs.

There will be a bunch of log from the most recent to maybe 5-6 back that are trace of the dashboard server process starting.

They usually give a bit more insight on what’s going on.
Useful information about what is failing might be spread through more than one event viewer record.

Also, did you add the -wait parameter in your Start-UDDashboard command ?
This could be one of the different things that give you a 502.5 error message.