HTTPS certificate not found

I’ve done some digging into this. I actually recreated the CertificateLoader class used by ASP.NET in PowerShell. This is the class that is internally being used to look up the cert.

Here’s that script.

$allowInvalid = $true
$subject = 'localhost'
$store = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store]::new('My', 'LocalMachine')

$storeCertificates = $store.Certificates;
$foundCertificates = $storeCertificates.Find('FindBySubjectName', $Subject, $allowInvalid);

function Test-IsCertificateAllowedForServerAuth

    $ServerAuthenticationOid = "";
    $result = $false 

    foreach($cert in $foundCertificates)
        if ($cert.Extensions)
            foreach($extension in $cert.Extensions  | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension] })
                $result = $true
                foreach ($oid in $extension.EnhancedKeyUsages)
                    if ($oid.Value -eq $ServerAuthenticationOid)
                        return $true;
    -not $result

$foundCertificates | Where-Object { (Test-IsCertificateAllowedForServerAuth $_) -and $_.HasPrivateKey  }

What I found is that I needed to avoid including the CN= in the subject name. So for my CN=localhost cert, I had to use localhost in the appsettings.json.

PS C:\Users\adamr\Desktop> c:\Users\adamr\Desktop\findcert.ps1

Thumbprint                                Subject              EnhancedKeyUsageList 
----------                                -------              -------------------- 
F1F2CC29D68E05E3561293BA3955286A7AF751C3  CN=localhost         Server Authentication

PS C:\Users\adamr\Desktop> dir Cert:\LocalMachine\my

   PSParentPath: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::LocalMachine\my

Thumbprint                                Subject              EnhancedKeyUsageList
----------                                -------              --------------------
F1F2CC29D68E05E3561293BA3955286A7AF751C3  CN=localhost         Server Authentication

You should be able to run that script to experiment faster than trying to start the PSU server over and over again.

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