I am seeing an inconsistency in my New-UdCharts, when populating with values from REST API calls. Now this may be a general REST API issue, but hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I am creating a pie chart with the following code
New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content {
New-UDChart -Title "Storage - DB" -Type Doughnut -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 60 -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -FontColor $FontColor -Endpoint {
$storage = @();
$storage += [PSCustomObject] @{ "Space" = "TotalSize"; "Count" = [Math]::round(((Invoke-RestMethod -headers $session -method GET -uri $dbFree).value.data[1]) / 1GB)}
$storage += [PSCustomObject] @{ "Space" = "Used"; "Count" = [Math]::round(((Invoke-RestMethod -headers $session -method GET -uri $dbUsed).value.data[1]) / 1GB)}
$storage | Out-UDChartData -LabelProperty Space -Dataset @(New-UDChartDataset -DataProperty Count -Label "GB" -BackgroundColor @("#24ad1d", "#4085ed") -HoverBackgroundColor @("#24ad1d", "#4085ed"))
} -Options @{cutoutPercentage = 50}
sometimes the chart displays correctly, but other times there is no data. So I checked the variable for say $dbfree and it was returning
so it looked like there was a space being returned in there somewhere, so i used
$storage += [PSCustomObject] @{ "Space" = "TotalSize"; "Count" = [Math]::round(((Invoke-RestMethod -headers $session -method GET -uri $dbFree).value.data[1]) / 1GB)}
but the chart is still not displaying the data, on reload.
Any suggestions?