Having issues converting a dashboard from 2.9.7 to latest framework. Getting the following error:
Error: Minified React error #31; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=31&args[]=TypeError%3A%20t.pages%20is%20undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
in p
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef
in div
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef
in div
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef
in ForwardRef
in u
in Dashboard
in t
in t
in div
in t
in t
in n
Everything looks correct, I think I converted and got rid of obsolete commands. I checked the console output and nothing says anything is wrong. Restarted dashboard, no change.
Script - Simplified:
New-UDDynamic -id 'bannerStatus' -Content {
} -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 60
I had to add define a page and then add New-UDDashboard at the bottom of my script.
I thought we could design a dashboard without pages, I might be mistaken. Solved by looking at F12 and seeing an error t.pages null.
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.2.1