Get and Set-UDElement on a Textbox that is in a Hidden Table Column

I ended up going with a work around. Since I already have textboxes in the row for the Justification column, and they are not hidden, I worked with them. During processing, when a row is successfully updated I set the textbox for that row to disabled. If a row fails, it remains enabled. Then on table refresh, I pull all the selected rows and filter out those which are still enabled. This leaves me with only the selected rows I want to remove. From there I pull all the rows from the table and use where-object to filter out the selected rows, leaving me with a list of VM Names that I still want to be in the table. From there I run a fresh export of the VMs from VMware, re-create the objects, and re-create the table with only the remaining VMs that we want to be there.

For this instance, I was able to move forward, but if anyone knows how/if we can work with hidden elements I’m sure that knowledge would come in handy later.
