Error executing script: PowerShell did not respond in a timely fashion


I have implemented a first script in Powershell Universal. It uses different credentials. The script itself finishes in about one second when run manually (using the same credentials) on the server.

I found some topics with the same error and tried the following:

  • increased the Job Handshake timeout
  • increased memory and CPUs (16GB, 4CPUs)
  • checked proxy settings

Nothing helped. I can’t find any other log entries, so I’m stuck here…

What else can I do?

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.1.0

Got it.

As stated on Running as a Service Account | PowerShell Universal a service account for the PowershellUniversal-service i “REQUIRED to execute jobs as other PSCredentials defined in Secret Variables.”

I stopped reading at “The following permissions are not required if you are running PowerShell Universal 3.9.10 or 4.0.4 or later.” on top.

After changing this, scripts with different credentials are now running.