hey all,
is it my browser that dont want to change culture, or is it UD that force Culture to US ?
I want time in 24 hours and I want date to be DD MM YYYY.
how do I change culture?
The Server UD run on do have the correct Culture.
hey all,
is it my browser that dont want to change culture, or is it UD that force Culture to US ?
I want time in 24 hours and I want date to be DD MM YYYY.
how do I change culture?
The Server UD run on do have the correct Culture.
Hi @McAndersDK
Exactly which feature is giving you the 12 hour format?
IIS / Azure or running as a Service or merely testing?
Just for fun… add this
New-UDParagraph -Text (get-culture | convertto-json) and see which culture shows up.
When testing on my local computer, it replicated the computer’s settings.
it’s running in IIS.
ah yeah, good point I will try that.
Ok, so the culture is the correct one.
okey, I figured it out, it seems out-udtabledata are using standard EN-US format for datetime ?
I can atleast force it to use another pattern, althrought it dont work as expected
tryed this:
Out-UDTableData -Property @(‘Status’,“Last Updated”) -DateTimeFormat (Get-Culture).datetimeformat.FullDateTimePattern
but it will then show:
this also got solved by this:
Out-UDTableData -Property @(‘Status’,“Last Updated”) -DateTimeFormat ((Get-Culture).datetimeformat.FullDateTimePattern -replace ‘y’,‘Y’)
not pretty, but do the task
oh… and now to fix why it say 5 of august
Out-UDTableData -Property @(‘Status’,“Last Updated”) -DateTimeFormat ((Get-Culture).datetimeformat.FullDateTimePattern -replace ‘y’,‘Y’ -replace ‘d’,‘DD’)
all good now
Hi again,
Dirty, i like it.
I’ll create an enhancement on the
GLHF troubleshooting the lacking updates dude
Well the best way would be to honor the client browser locale
Bosen29 github issue link:
Fair point, however that sounds like alot of work with the server side processing.
Either that or some fancy clientside javascript viewfilters?
I have no clue! I am a powershell guy
I’ll drink to that!
We’ll see what the gods of UD-Dashboard answers on the Git of Hubs.
but it seems it’s just to include som middleware in dotnet core, and then check on it from the out-udtabledata, out-udgriddata and anyanother outputting code
We could integrate moment (JavaScript library built for handling this) into UD to automatically do this but I’ve also started working on a UDMomement component to render date\times\timezones based on the client’s browser: https://github.com/ironmansoftware/ud-moment
And the gods have answered!
Are you planning on adding UD-Moment to UD or keeping it as a separate module?
I’m planning on making UD require other modules. So just updating the module manifest to ensure that UDMoment is installed.
This is what I’m trying to achieve: https://github.com/ironmansoftware/universal-dashboard/issues/880