Custom table in Powershell Universal Pages

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 4.3.4

Hi Guys,
I’m new to powershell universal and i’m trying to create custom table. The query determine if a particular process is running on remote servers and need columns to be highlighted in red when the process is missing.
I’m able to generate the table but not the formatting of the table and can’t find a cutom formatting under User Interfaces-> pages-> XXXX page → toolbox->Tables
Any help would greatly be appreciated

If you are using -Columns @( New-UDTableColumn <...> ) to define your columns, you can use the -OnRender parameter with $EventData of New-UDTableColumn to conditionally change the style of the cell based on its content. Here is a very simple example:

$Columns = @(
  New-UDTableColumn -Property "ProcessPresent" -Title "Present" -OnRender {
    if ($EventData.ProcessPresent -eq $true) {
      New-UDTypography -Text $EventData.ProcessPresent -Style @{ color: green }
    } else {
      New-UDTypography -Text $EventData.ProcessPresent -Style @{ color: red }

This can be simplified quite a bit if you need, but I chose to keep it more readable. Let me know if you need more explanation or help!