Chart, Hide X axis labels?


Is there an option to hide the labels on the X axis on a chart.
Or even better, is there a place where one can see all available -option options?


All the options are available in the ChartJS Docs. They differ per type of chart. You should be able to use this hashtable to hide labels:

        scales = @{  
               xAxes: @(
                     ticks = @{
                              display = $false
1 Like

Cool thanks for the link.

With your code added to the -options parameter, I get a " The term ‘ticks’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,…"

-Options @{
                                scales = @{  
                                       xAxes = @(
                                             ticks = @{
                                                      display = $false

Whoops. Missed some curly braces:

-Options @{
                                scales = @{  
                                       xAxes = @(
                                             ticks = @{
                                                      display = $false

You are a blessing Adam!
it worked right out of the box.

For any other readers, an example of multiple options on a chart is below:

-Options @{
                            legend = @{  
                                display = $false  
                            scales = @{  
                                       xAxes = @(
                                             ticks = @{
                                                      display = $false

I know this is an old post, but I needed to do this today, so searched for help on here…well I found as UD is so awesome and versatile you can also add more than one option this way:-

-Options (
New-UDBarChartOptions -TooltipOptions (New-UDChartTooltipOptions -TitleFontSize 18 -BodyFontSize 18) -LegendOptions (New-UDChartLegendOptions -Hide)