i’m trying to make a simple dashbourd to monitor diferent part of an application.
i’m stuck on how to change the colour of the text.
the option -backgroundcolour and -colour are only working for me on the whole table.
i can not use these to change the tekst.
here is part of my code
$theme = Get-UDTheme -Name ‘Azure’
$1QMDashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title “1QM monitoring” -theme $theme -Content {
New-UDRow {
New-UDColumn -Size 3 {New-UDTable -Title “1QM Production website” -Headers ‘Status’ -Endpoint {
$HTTP_Request = invoke-webrequest https://1qm.nutreco.com/1QM/rel/ -DisableKeepAlive -UseBasicParsing -Method head
If ($HTTP_Request.StatusCode -eq 200) {
"Site is Running"
Else {
“The Site may be down, please check!”}}