Cannot find Library Settings

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 5.0.9


I would like to import Widget from library menu but library menu is not available on “platform” tab.

For information, we have installed Powershell Universal on Windows Server which doesn’t have access to internet, is it related ?



It was renamed to gallery in one of the last patch releases. If you are offline, you will need to download and register the gallery manually. I did just notice the GitHub for the gallery is outdated. I’ll update it.

You can download the ZIP from here: Release 1.0.0 · ironmansoftware/gallery · GitHub

Then register the gallery locally. Run this command within PSU (in a script or terminal) so that it happens in the context of the user running the service.

Register-PSRepository -Name 'PSUScriptLibrary' -SourceLocation 'C:\gallery'

Thanks Adam for the answer.

Extract to Gallery Folder
Registered PSRepository as app service user

but nothing in Modules or Gallery tab in Powershell Universal.

Is there anything else to do?


Let me run through it again to see if I missed anything.