Calling an inner function from outer function

I’m creating custom modules, and I have a function that has an inner helper function, but when I call it, Powershell complains it doesn’t know it. I do have the inner function defined just after the parameter block at top of outer function. I have a button -Onclick event set to run the inner function, but it throws the error.
Appreciate any help or insight.

It sounds like you are talking about creating a powershell module, for use within a powershell universal app/dashboard?

I’m reading into your post a little here - as there’s limited information to go by, but it sounds also like you are defining all your code for these functions within the code of the app/dashboard itself?
Doing this you are likely to run into scoping issues.

I would research and learn about Powershell modules in general, how to create them, module manifest files (psm1/psd1), how private and public folders work regarding private/public functions, and how to then package/install those modules.

I suppose what I’m getting at is, if you create a module with private and public functions, in this scenario, your private functions are imported by the module and accessible to it. Your public functions will be defined in the manifest.
The module can sit in your user, system or PSU module folder, then those functions will be accessible within your dashboard and you won’t have the scoping issues I think you’re describing here.

Though of course I could be completely misunderstanding what you’re trying to ask, I think we’d all need to understand the use case, scenario, how your code is written, where its situated etc in order to advise further