Azure Application Insights?

I am still in the middle of implementing the App Insights JS SDK for my use, but below is the cmdlet I have built - and when each page or element loads I call this cmdlet like this.

Invoke-AppInsights -InsightType

When the page loads and right at the top I call

Invoke-AppInsights -InsightType 'Page' -PageName "Page 1"

I have a custom page name being sent to the JS SDK due to the fact that the SDK will use the web page <‘title’> which is different than the page name I want to send to App Insights.

Then within my other elements like grids I have cmdlets that pull specific data (such as VMs in an Azure Subscription). so if the cmdlet returns the correct data then I create an App Insights Event.

Invoke-AppInsights -InsightType 'Event' -EventData $EventData -EventName "GET $($FunctionUrl)" -EventDuration $($Duration.Milliseconds) -EventType 'HTTP' -EventMethod 'GET' -EventResponse '200'

else if the return data is not expected then I throw an exception to App Insights

Invoke-AppInsights -InsightType 'Exception' -EventData $EventData -EventName "GET $($FunctionUrl)" -ExceptionMessage $($_.Exception.Message) -EventType 'HTTP' -EventMethod 'GET' -EventResponse '400'

Full cmdlet - but its still WIP

function Invoke-AppInsights {


    if ($InsightType -eq 'Page' -and $PageName) {

        Invoke-UDJavaScript -Javascript "aisdk.trackPageView({ name: '$($PageName)' });aisdk.setAuthenticatedUserContext('$($User)');"

    } elseif ($InsightType -eq 'Event' -and $EventData) {

        Invoke-UDJavaScript -JavaScript "


                duration: '$($EventDuration)',

                name: '$($EventName)',

                responseCode: '$($EventResponse)',

                id: '$(New-Guid)',

                type: '$($EventType)',

                method: '$($EventMethod)',

                commandName: '$($EventName)',

                properties: {

                    type: '$($EventData.type)',

                    id: '$($',

                    title: '$($EventData.title)',





    } elseif ($InsightType -eq 'Exception') {

        Invoke-UDJavaScript -JavaScript "


                duration: '$($EventDuration)',

                name: '$($EventName)',

                responseCode: '$($EventResponse)',

                id: '$(New-Guid)',

                type: '$($EventType)',

                method: '$($EventMethod)',

                properties: {

                    type: '$($EventData.type)',

                    id: '$($',

                    title: '$($EventData.title)',





                exception: new Error('$($ExceptionMessage)')



