Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.5.0 (2021-11-03)
@adam, I upgraded to the nightly version to fix a Connect-PnPOnline issue. Unfortunately, the 2.5.0 version may have introduced a bug in the OIDC setup that is causing a problem with Azure AD authentication. I did not realize it until my existing tokens expired.
Here is the configuration:
"OIDC": {
"Enabled": "true",
"CallbackPath": "/auth/signin-oidc",
"ClientID": "secret",
"ClientSecret": "secret",
"Resource": "",
"Authority": "",
"ResponseType": "id_token token",
"SaveTokens": "true",
"UseTokenLifetime": true,
"Scope": "openid profile offline_access",
"GetUserInfo": false
It is unable to authenticate and in the Azure AD sign-in logs we are seeing this error:
Failure reason
Resource identifier is not provided.