Azure AD OIDC Localhost development

Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 1.5.10
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 Docker Container
PowerShell: 7.0.4

I’m able to get Azure AD Auth working in Azure no issue, but can’t seem to figure out how to get it working with localhost to develop locally. Here’s my settings.
appsettings via env variables.
Authentication__OIDC__Authority = ‘ Id’
Authentication__OIDC__CallbackPath = ‘/auth/signin-oidc’
Authentication__OIDC__ClientId = “App Id”
Authentication__OIDC__ClientSecret = “App Secret”
Authentication__OIDC__Enabled = true
Authentication__OIDC__ResponseType = code
Authentication__OIDC__SaveTokens = false

Flags in Chromium Edge are set.

Tried Cookies without SameSite must be secure=disabled first, when that didn’t work, set the other setting. Doesn’t work in regular Chrome either.

Redirect URI set in Azure AD App.
Same settings work for the app hosted in Azure App Services.

Error I’m getting in the Logs:

Getting a http 500 error in the web browser.

Well that’s annoying, I just saw this.

I changed to 1.5.9 and it’s working now…