Azure AD authentication from inside a Container

Yeah I’d definitely try it out if that’s no big deal!

Another thing I’ve considered is using a self-signed cert to use with Start-UDDashboard, and then use the https port to go to the proxy_pass part of the nginx server, and use the certificate from LetsEncrypt to show traffic is secure, but I’m not sure if that will work either.

@adam @mylabonline I have succeeded in getting a cert from LetsEncrypt and manually applying it to the built in dns name on an Azure Container instance. I still think it would be advantageous to allowhttpforlogin with Azure AD login if its hosted in Azure Web App for Containers, as this basically acts as a reverse proxy, and you can just start the dashboard on port 80 and use their certificates, but this is a more flexible option.

I agree. Sounds like a valiant effort was put forth trying to get this setup. Glad you have it working but it should be easier. I think we should document what you did so others can benefit from it. If you have the time and\or feel like it, I think these steps would make an excellent page on the docs. They are generated from this GitHub repo if you want to put a page in.

If not, don’t worry. I can always piece together what you mentioned here though and get it put together when I have some time.

Oh I fully intend to document all this. I’m going to redo everything and type it all up. I can put stuff in that format too.

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