Automatic authentication

Hi I hope you’re fine.

I am looking to automatically authenticate an Active Directory user to a page, in order to retrieve his username and display it in the browser.

Do you know how I can perform this action?

I started looking a bit in the file ‘C: \Program Files (x86)\Universal\appsettings.json’ and the variable ‘user’, but it doesn’t work.


I’m sure I’m forgetting something, can you please help me?

Thank you.


Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.1.1

Looking at the documentation regarding Windows Auth, you need to run Universal as a service account, making sure it has an SPN for the computer account running Universal

Security - PowerShell Universal



I managed to get windows authentication to work with IIS, however I still have a window asking for credentials.
Is it possible to log in automatically without this window?

Thank you.

You also need to set the web.config if you haven’t done that. Make sure that forwardWindowsAuthToken is set to true.

<aspNetCore processPath=".\Universal.Server.exe" arguments="" forwardWindowsAuthToken="true" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\log" hostingModel="OutOfProcess" />

Hello Adam,
Thank you for your help.

I have enabled this parameter.
I just did an analysis with Fiddler, I do have a kerberos answer.


I think the problem is with Microsoft Edge and I can’t find the solution to this pop-up.

I succeeded, it was necessary to check the following parameters.

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