Hey all,
I’m still doing a little bit of learning here, so sorry if this is a low level question, but i was hoping for some help figuring out the best way to pull a list of jobs run for a particular script
In this case I most definitely have a bunch of jobs run from this script
I’m still working my way around the API’s that are included, and I’ve been working with ‘/api/v1/script/{id}/job’ on swagger. I know i’m leaving a lot of options empty, but i cant seem to come up with any restults for this script ID. Can anyone help me out?
In this example i only specified my job ID (as it’s the only required field) and didn’t get a list of my jobs
I can use the /scripts/{ID} call to verify the script ID is right, but i just cant get the jobs to return via the script ID
Any ideas?
Product: PowerShell Universal
Version: 2.10.2