Any way to keep selected UD TAB?

Is there anyway to keep tabs selected when moving between pages?

For example, say I have 2 pages. Page 1 and Page 2.

on Page 1 I have a UD TABs component.
If i select a tab, and go to page 2, when I go back to page 1, is there a way for the tab to remember which tab I was on when i go back to the page?

You can store it in a Session variable.
I haven’t tested but I’m guessing that it would be possible to do so.
Or use global

What would I store in a session variable?

The event data from the tabs so it remember what tab it was on

It’d be great if you could show an example, when you have some time

Thanks for the help

Sure thing :slight_smile:
I’m not at my computer now and that’s why I haven’t posted a snippit of it.
But when I’m back I’m post it

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Seems this wasn’t possible after I raised a support ticket.
It is being added to V4.3.

Relevant github issue:

Do we know when 4.3 will be released? Specifically I’m interested in the tabs issue, I’m not so bothered about ‘retaining’ tabs as such when changing pages (altho this would be nice by default), but more so the ability to provide an -ActiveTab when executing the code or the ability to use Set-UDElement to update the active tab.
My use case is basically switching the default tab selected dependent on the data being loaded. Thanks

I think we are skipping right form 4.2 to 5.0, which is slated to be out in Q3 of this year. There are a few beta’s out right now.