Dropdown select 2 finger tap

I’m no expert myself and didn’t see the onchange as an available option in the documentation to add it in. I have a few custom components that use the onchange as it was documented with the component I was building.
I’m sure if you knew enough on React and JS you could implement it. You have my blessing if you wish to try

@Srichman0128 I have an plan…I see the onchange is not bound to the function, as this is built-in the JSX file I did use it I just had a look…anyways I just posted an example here:- New Multi or Single Select Component for UniversalDashboard on how to set the default value…so my friend…I am thinking if you look at the example you will see I am using an empty column to display the default value…so this got me thinking you could use that same technique to check if a value has been selected, and if it matches X,Y or Z do A,B and C actions…if you get me? this will be the equivlent to an onchange if you have something looking for changes every x amount of seconds, in my example 2 seconds…so this would be my approach to get a scriptblock to fire on a given change :+1: