Adding a button to each row in a table

		New-UDInputField -Type "textbox" -Name "accLookup" -Placeholder "Enter Name"
	} -Endpoint {
		# Takes the input from above and searches $Cache:AllUsers to see if we have a match.
		$Objects = $Cache:AllUsers | Where-Object {($_.DisplayName -like "*$accLookup*") -or ($_.SamAccountName -like "*$accLookup*") -or ($ -like "*$accLookup*")}
		# We found some matches in $Cache:AllUsers, lets list them out.
		Set-UDElement -Id "results" -Content {
			New-UDGrid -Id "$accLookup Results" -Title "Search Results for: $accLookup" -Headers @("Username", "Name", "More Info", "Password Reset") -Properties @("Username", "Name", "MoreInfo", "ResetPW") -Endpoint {
				$Objects | ForEach-Object {
					$sid = $_.SamAccountName
						Username = $_.UserPrincipalName
						Name     = $_.DisplayName
						# This button will load a dynamic page that gives more options
						MoreInfo = New-UDButton -Text "Get Details" -OnClick {Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/$sid"} -Id "$sid Get Details"
						# This button will reset their password.
						ResetPW  = New-UDButton -Text "Reset Password" -OnClick {Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "mailto:[[REDACTED]]?cc=$($_.UserPrincipalName)&subject=PW Reset - $($_.Surname)&body=$($_.UserPrincipalName)" } -Id "$sid Reset Password"
				} | Out-UDGridData

Best i can offer is this, which is what i use in my dashboard. However, this is a 2.9 dashboard and not a Universal one because i haven’t had the motivation to rebuild everything to migrate to PSU.